Last Saturday on a blue fall day, magic happened as friends joined in "harmony"(?) to honor Barbara Tusting and Jo Yount for their relentless years of service and leadership to the Grange Food Bank Garden now completeing its 10th year of production. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU Barbara and Jo for keeping the community in fresh veggies and providing the mentoring to help volunteers learn, gain confidence, and become successful gardeners.
The tribute came at the start of the celebration via the Quimper Grange Garden-Aires, a local band of outstanding talent and sincere intentions. You know you are loved when your fellow volunteers write and perform a song in your honor.
(Above) Mary Beth Haralovich, Mary Gabe Paxton, Ralph Baker, JJ Johnson, and Bill LeMaster debut in a sure to top the billboard charts --Born to Bundle (schoop, schoop).
(Below) Bill and JJ provide solo breakout performances.
For a LIVE rendition of BORN TO BUNDLE go here. For the lyrics, see below and be sure to schoop schoop along.
Working in the garden
My hands covered in dirt
Garden tells me when and how to work
All year long
We grow, gather, and give
All year long
So all can better live
We were born to bundle, (schoop schoop)
We were born to bundle, (schoop schoop)
We were born to bundle, (schoop schoop)
We were born to bundle... (bass run)
Wash our hands
Wash the pots
Sanitize clippers, clean the bins
Ready to harvest
Gardeners on the go
We get to the garden
What shall we do
We look tward the white board
we KNOW what to do.
We water, we mulch
We toss manure too
We add Jo's worm dirt
And make a compost stew.
Weeding and seeding
Maintenance too
Rain or shine
It's what we do
Pole beans
Bush Beans
Fava beans too
Snap peas
Snow peas
All for you...
Carrots, squash, and peas
Dirt under my nails
Dirt on my knees
We pick and clean
Trim, weight and log
We bundle 'em up
and move 'em along.
For ten years now
We grow, gather, and give
All year long
So all can better live
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