While we dress for the weather and dig in... sometimes the garden manager will call it due to rain/snow/sleet/or dead of night. When in doubt, contact your garden manager.
Alice - on a as needed basis
Blessings - on hold
Blue Heron Orchard - Notices sent out on quarterly tasks to the gleaners to prune, thin, pick, and mat the trees.
Boat School -
on hold
Brian’s -
● Mondays at 3pm - Harvest for Brinnon
○ duration: 1-2 hours depending on the season, what is growing in the garden and how many people show up
○ this coming season I am going to also have a list of cultivation tasks for people to do if there is not enough harvesting work or they want to put some more time in the garden
Wednesdays at 8am - Harvest for Port Townsend
Thursdays 9-10am rolling start time - Cultivation
○ duration: we like people to commit being there for 2 hours, but we will take any help we can
○ I create an email for the work party with all tasks to be completed and send it out to volunteers the day before the work party; this list is also printed off for the work party and volunteers can choose what tasks they want to work on/complete
Co -op - On hold
Dundee Hill -
No volunteers needed
Fair Winds
- Thursday 9 - Noon General garden work
Harvest - Wed. and Sat. mornings except when too dark then Tu. and Fri. afternoons.
Goosefoot - Mondays 9 - 12
PT High School - Friday 9 - 11
Quimper Grange - Tuesday & Friday 1:00-3:00 Winter, 1:00-4:00 summer
Salish Coast School - Tuesdays 10-12
Swan -
Tue. beginner 8:15 to 9:30 - 12
Willam/Pratt - on hold
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