Food Bank Growers

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Got Seeds?

Next year's produce starts on Halloween

It's Halloween night and while the kids are outside the windows Trick or Treating, we're thumbing through boxes and BOXES of seeds that Mary Beth Haralovich has organized and posted.

The Port Townsend Garden Center gave the Food Bank Growers a jump start by donating their seeds leftover from their summer sale racks. THANK YOU!!!  As long as the seeds are kept dry (in those plastic tubs) and out of the light (in Mary Beth's closet) our library of possibilities are good for another year of spring germination.

It's amazing how at the end of a very long season when all you want to do is grab that glass of wine, when presented with such a bounty of promise you can't help yourself...."I want this, and this, and OMG I can't live without this one... and well maybe just six packets more... "

The greed often outpaces the need, except when you're coming off a season when the voles, mice, birds, bugs ate more than their share of your hard work, well, is six more really enough?

Don't worry, we left plenty for other Garden Managers who couldn't make it to the Seed Sharing meeting, but don't wait too long. Look over the list and contact Mary Beth

All FBG garden managers can see what is (or was) available here:




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