Happy New Year!
If your New Year's Day resolutions are like millions of others, then losing weight, maybe going "dry" for a month, and finding ways to eat a more healthy and sustainable diet is on the bucket list.
Your wish list is also one of FBG's core values: "That consistent access to adequate daily nutrition is a fundamental human right."(See more on our OVERVIEW page)
Most "lose weight" options are all about calories, but FBG is all about nutrition first -- making every calorie count -- but how do you know what's best? It's not as if there is a label on the side of a carrot that tells you what's inside.
One way is to look up foods on Cronometer.com. It's a free website for individuals with a monthly price tag for professional use.
What can you get from eating ONE carrot? 85% of your daily Vitamin A plus a splash of lots of other nutrients and proteins, as well as 10% of your fiber needs. All of which interact with other foods which make the nutrients more available for your body to use.
Try loading in what you eat in one day and see the results.Cronometer.com is oddly addicting and fun as you learn how much nutrition comes from greens, beans, rice, roots, berries...
Here's to a happy and HEALTHY 2024!
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