The FBG team cleaned and gleaned today at the PT High School Garden. It is SO lovely to be outside on a rainy day -- as though a switch was flipped and it’s really fall! Our watershed will replenish itself after a long dry summer. In the garden, we will continue to harvest kale, carrots and chard for the schools, with surplus going to the Foodbank. Many of the beds are tucked in for winter under leafy blankets for spring planting.
Doug and Cheryl are seen (in the slide show below), planning today's work.
New garden manager, Rachel Dunn joins the PT High School garden team.
Rachel also volunteers at Dundee Hill Community Garden and is on the board of the Olympic Housing Trust. Welcome Rachel!!
The PTHS students will collect the purple seed beans and compost the greens; they also helped harvest the squash which is curing in the hoop house (seen left) and help pull the irrigation hose.
Check out how healthy those peas are in October. They are a testimony to what can happen when you plant in the April and in August (the second spring).
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