Food Bank Growers

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Sow? Seed? How? Now?

So many ways to get started

This is our first time growing enough plants for a market garden with 35 raised beds. When tallied we needed about 1140 plants to fill the space which came to 35 flats of plants. We're fortunate to have a greenhouse that can be kept between 50-60 degrees day and night. That meant that whatever we planted won't go through a "season of hot and cold" which triggers bolting.

How much potting soil did we need?

Three large (44 liter) bags of Black Gold seeding soil medium was enough to get us going along with soil from the compost bin. We found that 4 liters filled ONE standard tray and 1.5 liters filled the mini-tray with 100, 1 inch holes seen above.

How long did it take to get them to size?

Most of the leafy greens planted took 2-3 weeks to get to a stage where they could be planted. All plants were tallied on a spread sheet for sowing, up-planting, and planting dates. Knowing how far ahead we need to plant will help later for mid-summer crops.

Pelleted seed vs. Bare seed

Pelleted seed arrive pre-coated and ready to plant. It's expensive compared to bare seed, but if saving time is an issue, it's worth the extra $$. Each of the pelleted seeds germinated in their cells and grew strong. Bare seeds took the same time, but they had to be carefully picked out and replanted into a cell of their own. That usually took 30 minutes per flat.

Heartbreak still happens

We sowed, grew, planted and smiled at hundreds of happy plants being tucked under a cloche until it was warmer. The next day we checked them and RATS! or voles or something with a tail... had chowed down on two of the beds.  Three weeks of waiting and then this.

Not to worry - we have 10 more flats ready to go in another week and we'll keep planting to ensure we always have a steady flow. And... we've also set up a trap line...

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