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Welcome Quimper Community Harvest Gleaners

QCH joins FBG to share resources and missions

Landing Picture: Cheryl Lowe picking apples

Left: Tom Pendley harvesting apples.

Above: End of the season cider making party.

Quimper Community Harvest (QCH), also known as PT Gleaners, was recently adopted by the Food Bank Growers as a branch of the non-profit organization. The joyful union benefits both the Gleaners and Growers, sharing resources offered by both groups to provide fresh food to local food banks, schools and other organizations. 

Some of the services the groups will share include a regular newsletter and website, record keeping of donations, liability insurance, funding, and grant writing services for projects and equipment. The groups can also collaborate on workshops and special events offered to volunteers and orchard tree owners. One of the new perks will be a more formal orchard ladder training for all Gleaners to ensure that folks are following safe practices that are now covered under group liability insurance. Most importantly, the joint venture enhances the creative network of volunteers who participate in “growing, gathering, and giving,” which is our primary vision.  

A new crop of cherries, plums, apples and pears is well on the way. If you have donated to Gleaners in the past, we’ll be writing to you soon to ask if you’d like us to come harvest some of your fruit for the community later this summer and fall. 

Sign up HERE to be notified about picking opportunities. We now use for our group emails.

or donate your tree for gleaning at this Local 2020 web page .

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