Brian’s garden got its start many years ago when its namesake owner (Brian) first developed the space -- he put much time and love into the soil, but after he passed on, the garden was left to survive on its own. Last year his wife donated the use of the fenced in garden to the Food Bank Growers. The weeds needed serious eradication and a soft-tilled soil re-established, but just look at the results as the space was brought back to productive life!
The leaves pictured above represent the results of a sweet potato trial by the WSU Community Seed Project. There was also lots of squash, leeks, kale, kohlrabi, strawberries, peas, beets, red cabbage, scarlet runner beans, and a straw mound of potatoes.
Pictured below: a coyote came a-calling to visit the new gardeners.
What a difference a year makes -- over 173 pounds of fresh food vs. weeds.
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