You can almost assemble this appetizer just by looking at the picture:
Cut 1 inch chunks of cucumber, scoop out the center forming a tiny bowl, and fill the bowl.
These are filled with rough chopped almonds. Almonds don't get soggy in this mix even after a couple of days in the fridge like softer cashews would. Do take the time to de-skin them as the brown skin has a bitter taste. Soak the almonds in hot water and then slip the skin off.
Next, make them into a sandwich spread just like you do with chicken or tuna... mix in mayo, minced celery, minced onion, dill and lemon zest for fun. This is a "from scratch" recipe -- enough mayo to stick things together and enough added ingredients to keep it interesting.
Spoon it in the cuke bowls and top with something colorful.
Voila! You now have something that everyone will love.
For more tasty recipes, go here.
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