.... And serve the Fresca with a lovely salmon quiche. (above) She generously brought both to the 24-Carrot event. (you'll get the recipe for that on another post.)
The Cucumber/Lime Aqua Fresca (below) is completely refreshing on a hot day and you can only eat so many pickles, right? This recipe make a lot of juice. Freeze it and enjoy in the middle of winter when you need a summer's day fix.
4 large cukes with skin on, cubed
2 whole limes with peel, cubed & de-seeded
2/4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
12-15 fresh mint leaves
Ginger to taste
In a blender, puree all ingredients with 2-4 cups of water. Strain through a sieve. Add enough water to fill a 1 gallon pitcher to the top
Refrigerate and serve cold.
For more tasty recipes go here.
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